【同义词辨析】 2019-04-18 平静equanimity-composure

equanimity: suggests a habit of mind that is disturbed rarely or only under great strain: accepted fortune's slings and arrows with great ~.    平静地接受命运的苦难灾祸slings and arrows苦难灾祸,sling是投石机arrow是弓箭,比喻生活中的苦难灾祸hardships and disasters that are not your fault,如he had suffered much slings and arrows in his life他一生经历苦难

composure: implies great controlling of emotional or mental agitation by an effort of will OR as a matter of habit: maintained his ~ even under hostile questioning.

sangfroid: implies great coolness and steadiness under strain perhaps stemming from a constitutional coldness: an Olympian diver of remarkable ~.     stem from来自源自,由植物的茎stem引申而来

phlegm: implies insensitiveness and suggests apathy or sluggishness rather than control: possessed of a temperamental ~ unaffected by good news and bad news alike.   性格冷淡,对好坏消息都无感

equanimity平静: 表示不被外界干扰的思想状态(思想习惯habit of mind),composure控制情绪: 指控制情绪不激动,sangfroid冷静: 冷静稳定,可能来自自身(的冷静coldness),phlegm冷淡: 表示冷淡缓慢没感觉,而不是自控能力。

记忆方法: 1)首字母spec规范<==平静的描述         specification规范是指精确详细的描述

        2)平静的意思是泰然自若不被干扰mean the quality of one who is self-possessed and not easily disturbed or perturbed.   self-possessed泰然自若镇定,字面意思是能控制自己to command and control oneself,如answered the insolent question with complete self-possession泰然自若地回答无礼的问题)